Oseguera 2020

Justice for the people!

Hector Oseguera is running for congress to forge a prosperous and equitable nation for all!

Our Endorsements

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Oseguera 2020 is a campaign to unify working people and create a future where we can all afford housing, healthcare, and a debt-free education; where we live in a clean environment, and find gainful employment.

Our campaign is for those who pulled themselves up by the bootstraps until they tore off and kept pulling. We want to build a future focused on the needs of working people, not on narrow political self-interest or lobbyist-inspired policy.

The challenges of our time will not be solved by the politics of yesterday, those policies got us here in the first place. That's why our campaign rejects the support of corrupt political machines and corporate PACs. Our campaign relies on regular, working-class people just like you!


Our district and our nation are facing unprecedented changes, and the failed leadership that Got us into these crises will not GET us out. I am Hudson County’s native son, whose every decision will address the needs of the people of our district, not the political bosses.

This campaign addresses the concerns of everyday working people by taking on the big developers to curb rising rents; fighting the pharmaceutical and insurance lobbies to bring affordable healthcare to all Americans; and addressing the climate crisis with the urgency it deserves.

Of, By, & For the People

Hector is Hudson County born and raised. The son of immigrant parents from the Dominican Republic and Honduras, Hector knows all too well the challenges that working class families face. He followed all the rules, went to college then law school, chasing the promise that higher education was a ticket to the middle class.

Yet the rapidly increasing cost of living makes it impossible for even many two-income households to get by. Families struggle to pay rent and cannot afford to see a doctor when they need to.

His career as an Anti-Money Laundering analyst prepared him to tackle the systemic issues that plague today’s political system. Politicians are more responsive to their big dollar donors than the people who they represent; leading directly to many of the issues everyday families need fixed. Hector is prepared to challenge the political machine and bring representative democracy to the people of the 8th District.


contribute to end corruption

What We Can Achieve Together


Affordable Housing

All working families deserve a place to live. But luxury developers are fueling the skyrocketing cost of rent, eating away the budgets of working class families and contributing to increased homelessness.


Combating Corruption

Wealthy campaign donors ensure that politicians are removed from the communities they represent, and instead rely on corrupt special interests. We reject corrupt PAC money and have a comprehensive plan to get money out of politics.


Community Leadership

The people of the 8th District deserve a representative that listens to them, and is responsive to their concerns.


Social Justice

Hatred and bigotry have no place in the 21st Century. America guarantees a right to the pursuit of happiness, regardless or race, religion, gender, or sexual identity.


Economic Justice

The American economy must be responsive to the needs of everyday working class families, not wealthy elites.


Enacting A Green New Deal

As the stewards of this Earth, we have an obligation to maintain its natural splendor. Ensuring that our planet remains habitable for future generations requires transitioning towards renewable energy sources.


Medicare for All

No one in the United States should fear that an illness would lead to bankruptcy. Affordable healthcare will alleviate a financial and emotional burden on millions of hard-working Americans.

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